How to Obtain a Residence Permit or Visa with Polish Language Courses at Together?
Learning Polish at Together is not just about education, but also an opportunity to legalise your stay in Poland. We are a registered continuous education institution with all necessary entries and accreditations from the educational curator. This meets the basic conditions required for obtaining a visa, providing a solid foundation and quality guarantee for the consul. Many of our students have obtained residence permits or visas through our courses. We are pleased to be able to support such an important process. We also want to remind you that our courses aim not only to teach the language but also to build a deep respect and understanding for Polish culture.
Below are some useful details:
Year-long Polish courses
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Why choose TOGETHER?
  • Accredited by Education Office in Warsaw
  • Official exam centre
  • Telc exams
  • 12 years of experience
  • 4 schools
  • Legalisation on the basis of the courses
The basis of our success are well-qualified teachers and methodologists, who are passionate about intercultural communication and adjust their teaching methods to the needs of the students. Our communicative approach focuses on use of language and building self-confidence, by creating a motivating and friendly atmosphere. By constantly searching for innovative methods, we have achieved a effective teaching methods, which find their confirmation in our student's opinions and their great exam results!

We create standards Together
Prepare and pass the national or TELC exam with Together!
Together Polish Language School is an official examination center. This is a great honor for us and provides our students with the opportunity to learn at an institution that offers professional preparation for this crucial exam
Dual Polish language exam at B1 and B2 level. TELC certificate is accepted for long term residence application. Held every month at all schools.

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We work on weekdays from 9:00 till 19:00

ul. Starowiślna 1

+48 505 414 887
ul. Piotrkowska 148/150

+48 533 998 444
ul. Ruska 3/4

+48 794 922 588
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